Saturday, April 21, 2012

We are but scarecrows... pt 5.

Add more graceful lines on the birds in the foreground. Continue adding value to the scarecrow-Christ. 

Begin to thin out the bird swarm. 

Add yet more sky to continue to thin out the swarm.

Begin to back-fill the birds, first by stippling the background birds. Create deeper shadows in the corn. 

Make thicker marks to create the illusion of birds in the foreground. 

Highlights on the wings of the birds. Continue adding value to the slant of the hill and the cornstalks in the foreground. 

Highlights on the tops of the corn. Continue to develop the clothing of the scarecrow-Christ. 

Develop a range of value on the foreground cornstalks. Continue clothing development of the scarecrow-Christ. 

Add straw to the scarecrow-Christ as a finishing touch. And... 

3' x 2.5'
Oil on Canvas

This painting, not so subtly, represents Christ, the One who drives out sin in our lives. It was a striking metaphor, though one I had never heard before: Christ as the scarecrow, keeping the field safe from things that would rob every kernel.

I love that idea. I love the image it creates in my mind: the bold swarm of scavengers thwarted by some humble thing, hung on a cross-bar. The sun rising golden onto a now silent field. The movement of the birds, the wind in the plants... all of it.

I hope that this blog can be a ministry tool for those artists who follow Christ. I hope that I can give instruction on how to create a painting, and maybe, introduce a little inspiration for others to make their own pieces of art that honor the Lord.

"We are but scarecrows, turning bandits away from the crops."

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