Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Portfolio 3, Portraiture and Figure Drawing

In college I was tasked with drawing and painting many things, but I loved most to re-create people.
What follows are figure drawing studies in Red Conte Crayon, Black Conte Crayon, and portraits in watercolor, oil, and chalk pastel.
 Red Conte Crayon figure studies


 Self-portrait in Red Conte Crayon

Pastel portrait study of Peek 

Final oil painting titled Peek

Black Conte Crayon portraits of woman sleeping

Black Conte Crayon studies of human features and figures

Here follows some of my better achievements:

I really like this portrait. It's off-center, with no eyes, barely a nose, and muted tones. Something about it has always spoken to me, and it's not because I made it.

This painting gives me fits. Sometimes I look at it and it's excellent. Then I look again and I see every flaw (and there are many). I think this painting is ultimately the sign of an immature painter that could not overcome his own flaws. This painting now only exists electronically. It has been destroyed-by-gesso. The canvas now resides in my parent's basement. 

A watercolor portrait I painted of my wife on our wedding day. To date, it is the finest painting I have ever created. The credit goes to the subject of the painting, not the painter. This painting has won awards, been featured in a museum exhibition, and is simply my favorite. Maybe I shouldn't have a favorite, but I do.

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