Thursday, November 14, 2013

Bridget's Room Series: The Town, part 1

In the first piece for Bri's room I wanted to create a bright world where future paintings in the series can fit into. The Town is the first painting in a series of three that will be set within a magical world, a fun place where anything can happen and where everyone wants to be.

This was the first sketch in the start of that process: 

I ultimately scrapped this initial layout for a couple of reasons, The layout wasn't exactly right and I didn't attach the paper to the tape and board correctly, so it got trashed.

This is the re-draw and it suits my taste better. More of the town is exposed on the hillside and other details are more prevalent such as the far off river and lower homes. 

Color begins:

Cowgirl Bridget, asleep on the hill overlooking the town:

I want the painting to communicate that this town is a place where all people want to get to from all different times and races and people groups.

I wanted to show magical modes of travel to access this town. This British Navy Galleon is juxtaposed with a skydiver. This town can't be reached by any regular forms of travel.

End part 1. Part 2 to contain installation of figures in the streets and on floating crafts, further development of colors, value, and varied distances, and sunlight development.

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic, Mike. Well done - love the ideas you're communicating here and the art itself is beautiful.
